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Boost Soil Health for Coffee Cultivation Using Coffee Pulp Biochar


  1. Biochar Dose: Apply biochar created from coffee pulp to your soil. Experiment with different doses, particularly around 8 to 16 tons per hectare (t ha−1).

  2. Chemical Fertilization: Integrate the biochar application with varying levels of chemical fertilization. The study suggests levels of 0, 33, 66, and 100% of the nutritional requirements for your coffee trees.


  1. Physical Properties:

    • Bulk Density: Applying biochar at doses of 8 or 16 t ha−1 could reduce your soil's bulk density to around 0.82 to 0.83 g cm−3.

    • Soil Aggregation: Expect to see an increase in the soil's aggregation status, up to around 96.5% to 96.84%.

2. Chemical Properties:

  • Exchangeable Acidity: Applying 16 t ha−1 of biochar can decrease exchangeable acidity by about 60% compared to soil with no biochar.

  • Soil pH and Organic Carbon: You can expect a modest rise in soil pH (up to around 4.96) and organic carbon content (up to around 4.59%).

3. Biological Properties:

  • Soil Respiration: There could be a substantial increase in soil respiration, around 50-60%, especially when 66% chemical fertilization is combined with biochar doses of 8 to 16 t ha−1.

Alefsi David Sánchez‐Reinoso · Edgar Álvaro Ávila‐Pedraza, Leonardo Lombardini, Hermann Restrepo‐Díaz

Original paper:

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